
Sweet and Sour Cabbage 1

Friday, February 14, 2014
Well, back in the saddle I guess. Weve been back home for a couple of days but scurrying around to get the garden ready for winter, which could come any time by the looks of things. Im plenty ready for a break from it. Of course, now I have about a bushel of peppers sitting in the kitchen looking at me.

This is a pretty classic take on sweet and sour cabbage, easy and not too time consuming either. Just watch those onions; they should be nicely cooked but dont let them burn!

6 servings
20 minutes prep time

Sweet and Sour Cabbage
Prepare the Vegetables:
1 large onion
1 tablespoon bacon fat or mild vegetable oil
4 cups chopped cabbage

Peel and cut the onion in half vertically. Lay each half down and cut vertically again, then slice them horizontally to produce fairly long thin strips of onion.

Heat the fat or oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and cook for about 30 minutes, until evenly browned and cooked down.

Trim and chop the cabbage, and put it in a pot with water to come halfway up it. About 10 minutes before the onions will be done, bring it to a boil and simmer until tender, about 5 minutes. Drain well and return to the pot.

Make the Sauce:
1 tablespoon arrowroot or corn starch
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon caraway seed
black pepper to taste
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons white vinegar
3 tablespoons water

Mix the above ingredients in a small bowl, until the arrowroot is smoothly dissolved. Set it aside until the onions and cabbage are cooked.

Drain the cabbage once it is cooked, and return it to the pot. Mix in the onions. Give the sauce a stir, and add it to the cabbage. Stir the cabbage and onions until well blended and the sauce thickens, just a minute or so. Serve at once.

Last year at this time I made Squash Gnocchi and Cranberry-Raisin Pie.

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