
Weekend Breakfast Blogging 2 Mmmm Mango Pancakes

Saturday, February 8, 2014
Most of India has 3 seasons. The monsoons, the winters and the Mango season. Well, especially so, for mango lovers. I know of people who virtually skip dinners during this season, so that they can stuff themselves with 3-4 mangoes each night.


Some of those luscious ripe ones

They say "Necessity is the mother of invention". I would say- "Abundance is the mother of invention". I invariably come up with a new recipe when I have too much of a particular ingredient. One good thing about living in Bombay is the truck loads of Hapoos (Alphonso mangoes )that arrive into the markets at this time of the year. Alphonso mangoes are considered by many to be the best in terms of sweetness and flavour.

I bought a whole load of mangoes from the veggie market last evening. The wonderful aroma has been inviting me all evening to do something about the mangoes. Also, the Mango JFI at Indiras Mahanandi has been at the back of my mind.

I first thought of baking the mangoes into a cake, or making a mousse for dessert (which is going to be the next escape route for the luscious babies). But no ! I wanted something that would give me instant gratification. Thats how the idea for Mango Pancakes was born.

It would tackle 3 issues at once-
1. Start to demolish the huge pile of mangoes
2. An entry for my weekend breakfast blogging
3. Entry for JFI at Mahanandi.

Juicy mangoes grated into flour and spiced with ginger, caressed by butter milk- the end result being a heavenly taste in your mouth...


Grated mango with ginger, Flour with 5 spice, Buttermilk

Mmmm...Mango Pancakes


1 large mango-grated
1 cup wheat flour
1/4 cup rice flour
1 T grated fresh ginger
1/4 cup sugar ( I used 2 tbsp splenda- the amnt of sugar also depends on the sweetness of your mango)
1/4 tsp baking powder
2 cups butter milk
Pinch of salt
1/2 tsp 5 spice powder (optional)
1/4 tsp mango essence (optional)

Vegetable Oil / Butter for cooking pancakes ( I used Saffola )

Method :

Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add to this the grated mango. Mix well. Add the buttermilk slowly and stir so as to avoid any lumps. The consistency of the batter should be such that it sticks to the back of the ladle. Add the mango essence to the batter (if using). Stir well. You can let this batter sit for 15 minutes or so at this stage.

Heat a non stick pan. Grease with butter / oil, pour a ladleful of batter onto the heated pan. Gently spread into a circle taking care not to thin out the pancake. Let it cook for 2-3 min on a slow flame. Turn the pancake and cook the other side for 2-3 min.

This recipe will make around 6-7 pancakes of 6" diameter.

Serve immediately with fresh fruits.


Mango pancakes with sliced cantaloupe for breakfast

You can use milk instead of the buttermilk I guess. Just that if the mango is too acidic, it will split the milk. You may also add jaggery instead of sugar in this recipe.

This is my entry to JFI -Mango at Indiras Mahanandi

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