
The best Eggplant Salad Recipe Десятка

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Did you know eggplant is actually a fruit (though served as a vegetable)? With it’s deep, glossy purple skin and wobbly egg or pear shape, it’s quite a unique looking food item! This is the best salad ever for people who love eggplants. Its awesome to bring to a party or put it in cans and use it at any time. I usually make half of this recipe for my family.

10 Eggplants 
10 Bell Peppers
10 Tomatoes
10 Onions
15 cloves garlic 

1 cup distilled vinegar
2 cups oil
3 tablespoons salt
6 tablespoons sugar


  "Десятка" Print In Russian

You will make it in layers; 
First tomatoes, 2nd onions, 3rd eggplants, last bell peppers . Follow the directions step by step.
  •  Slice eggplants longwise 1/3in thick (leave skin on)  sprinkle salt on top of each piece. Put aside so all bitterness comes out, for about an hour. 
  • Then slice tomatoes into circles and put in a non stick cooking pot.
  •  Cut onion into circles add to the pot. 
  • The eggplants will have liquid all over, so take a paper towel and tap until dry. Cut the eggplants (that you put aside to let out all of the bitterness out) in smaller pieces about a 3/4 of a inch of the finger thick size and add to the pot. 
  • Cut bell peppers into small pieces and add to the pot. Next pour brine mix into the pot. 
  • Boil for 45 min. 
  • Turn off and add minced garlic. 
  • The salad can be canned right after you boil it.

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