
Chicken and Potato Stew

Monday, April 7, 2014
Serves 6
Preparation Time 1 hour

1 kg chicken cut into medium pieces
2 tablespoons oil
3 potatoes peeled and cut into quarters
1 teaspoon pepper corns
1 tomato chopped
½ teaspoon chopped ginger
½ teaspoon chopped garlic
Salt to taste
3 green chillies slit
2 onions sliced
A few mint leaves
2 tablespoons flour

Cook the Chicken along with the potatoes, peppercorns, green chilies, tomatoes ginger, garlic, mint, salt, and sufficient water till tender.

Make a thin paste of the flour with about ¼ cup of water. In another pan heat the oil and fry the onions till golden brown. Add the flour paste and fry along with the onions for some time. Add the cooked chicken and potatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Serve hot with bread or Hoppers.

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