
Off to London !

Sunday, January 26, 2014
Spagetti Bouquet (not-related to post :)

Hiya friends!
This weeks been pretty much bereft of posts. Firstly was down with flu and a bad bout of sinusitis and then had to start packing up for my trip to London. Im off tomorrow for the next two weeks.
Its my first time there and am very excited (finally). I say finally, because I was absolutely un-enthu at the beginning of the week, thanks to the viruses, and its good to be back to my ebullient self.

Meetas posts on London were quite a help. Also have been discussing stuff, with people on the Thorn Tree Forum of Lonely Planet.
Other interesting websites that I came across for Local news, food and touristy info are as follows:
Time Out -London
London Eats
The tube
The Original Tour

Of most interest to you would be the Indian cook out that has been organized at fellow food blogger and passionate cook- Johannas place in London. A few London bloggers will be coming over and we shall cook Indian food. Im really looking forward to this mini-gathering over traditional South Indian fare. This goes to show, how bloggers of the world unite over a single click.

I shall be logging on during my trip to post pictures of streets, food, and ofcourse our foodie gathering.

Catch up with you guys soon then!

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