
Cupcakes World Peace

Thursday, December 19, 2013
See?? Im right. I mean, whats new, really, but this time theres substantive proof.

Photo by Simon Milne-Day

The New York Times ran an article today about a string of cupcake shops opening in the Middle East/unifying the world one cupcake at a time.

Granted, I didnt read the article, because I have more important things to do (like reapply my lipgloss) but thats DEFINITELY what the article was about.

Fadi Jaber is owner of Sugar Daddys, the first American-style cupcake shop in the Middle East. He discovered his real passion for cupcakes during a stint in New York at Billys Bakery...and for those of you who, I dunno, DONT have a 2 oclock touch-up to tend to, then you should ghead and read it.

I, on the other hand, will ghead and continue to be omnipentent cupcake blogger that I am.

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