
Yes That Cupcake is on Fire

Monday, March 17, 2014
Image via C&C Cakery

As November comes to a close, so does Movember--the month-long fundraiser for prostate cancer, finally giving dudes a valid excuse to grow the kind of mustache (read: John Watersy pencil stache or a "To Catch a Predator" style mustache) that will gross their girlfriends out but they cant do anything about because it is for a good cause, after all.

Anyway, in honor of said holiday, C&C Cakery is holding a contest for the manliest cupcake the blogosphere can whip up. So far, this beer spice cupcake with matcha frosting and a variety of edible accessories, including one that lights on fire, is the front runner in my book! Also cool, the creator has a full diagram of directions to create your own, if youre prepared to spend all day working on it, that is. And lets face it: if youre a man, youll probably only make it 5 minutes before you belch, scratch, and plop down on the couch. God love em.

The secret is sugar cubes. Betcha didnt know you could light em on fire!
Photo via Diamonds for Dessert

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