
Menu for Hope

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Menu For Hope, now in its third year, is an annual charity event to raise money for a good cause. This year, it will support the United Nations World Food Programme. The creator of this generous event is Pim of Chez Pim and Kalyn of Kalyns Kitchen is one of the hosts in States.

My contribution to this event is two jars: one is filled with Turkish semi moist, delicious smelling, hot, flaked red peppers from southeastern part of Turkey. You can use it while cooking or sprinkle it on your foods.

The second jar is full of fresh grape leaves for dolmas and also comes straight from Turkey. I personally picked them at my uncles vineyard in northwestern Turkey. There are no preservatives added; leaves are folded and squeezed in this jar with absolutely nothing. Seriously, you wont believe how fresh they will smell! It will come with a recipe for dolma and a how-to guide for preserving grape leaves. There are enough grape leaves in the jar to make a big pot of dolmas.

To impress family and friends with delicious dolmas, heres what you need to do: write down the code for this prize --> UC01

1. Go to the donation page at First Giving.

2. Make a donation. Each $10 will give you one raffle ticket towards a prize.
Please specify which prize or prizes youd like in the *Personal Message* section when confirming your donation.

3. If your company matches charity donations, please remember to check the box and fill in the information so A Menu for Hope can claim the corporate match.

4. Please also check the box to allow us to see your e-mail address so we can contact you in case you win.Your e-mail address will not be shared.

5. Check back at
Chez Pim on January 15 to see who the winners are.

Thank you!

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